Text2Web: --------- Text2Web is a tool to convert text documents to html format.It incorporates integrated clipboard support which provides an almost seamless operation for web authors who want to include snippets of text (formatted or unformatted) into their web pages. Main Features: -------------- - operate in command-line, batch or interactive mode. - HTML formatting handles line and column sensitive text (e.g. lists and tables). - select font parameters. - integrated clipboard support. - generate free-standing web page or convert text snippets for insertion into an existing HTML document. - specify background image. - use different profiles for different configurations. - option to replace entities. - input can be read from a file or clipboard. - output can be written to a file or clipboard. Platform: --------- Windows 95/98/NT/2000. Installation: ------------- To install unzip into a temporary folder and run t2wsetup.exe and follow on- screen instructions. To uninstall, click on the "Uninstall Text2Web" icon in the Text2Web program folder. Distribution: ------------- The software is freely distributable via all media, providing no charge is made (except for a reasonable handling charge), and all files in this package are included. If different conditions prevail then written permission from the author is required. We support PAD (Portable Application Description) file format. The URL for this product is: http://virdi-software.com/padfiles/txt2web.xml License: -------- Text2Web is freeware and as such no payment is necessary or required. Warranties: ----------- The program is supplied "as is" and without any warranties or guarantees. You use it at your own risk. Feedback: Comments and suggestions are always welcome. --------- Author: Dev Virdi E-mail: dev@virdi-software.com Homepage: http://virdi-software.com History: -------- 2.1.0 Improved functionality for removing trailing punctuation. Some minor bug fixes. 2.0.0 This version sees a complete revamp of the program. It is now written in Delphi which, for the user, means no more worries about extra libraries and compatibility issues. From the design perspective, it gives us a lot more flexibility for future expansion and also a more stable application. Text2Web and Text2Web Pro are now split into two independent and free- standing applications. They share only the help file. Text2Web is freeware and no longer has disabled functionality with pop- up dialogs. We hope our users will find this less irritating. Text2Web Pro is now a fully-functional try-before-you-buy software. The trial period is 30 days. New Features: ------------- Introduced concept of profiles. You can now save your configuration in different profiles which can also be called from the command-line or from a batch file. Fonts are now specified with style parameters - this gives finer control over display. Option to replace (or not) entities - some users prefer not to replace them. The most common entities are replaced if the option is selected. The converted document can now be opened directly in your default browser on completion. 1.6.0 Maintenance release. Minor bug fixes. 1.5.0 More options for free standing page. You can now specify background color and/or image, foreground color, character-set and a footer of your own choice. (These options only in the Pro version). Added an extra option to disable Email address recognition. You can now specify Font color as well as size and face. Option to disable advertising banner at the bottom (Pro only). A complete reorganization of the layout. 1.3.6 Fixed a serious bug that stopped Smart Format from working. 1.3.5 Option to remove trailing punctuation from URLs. Now correctly handles URLs enclosed in brackets or quotes. 1.3.1 Removed footer from the Pro version. 1.3.0 New options to generate true HTML lists, Tables (Pro only) and Links Selection boxes (Pro only). Small floating bar that can be located anywhere on the screen (Pro only). First public release of the Pro version. Can now handle Unix and Mac text files. 1.2.0 Added Clipboard support. You can now read text input from the clipboard as well as a file. The html output can also be written to the clipboard as well as to a file. New output format to retain column-sensitive information. You can now select font face and size for html documents. You can now elect to generate a free-standing web page or just convert selected text for inclusion in to an existing document. Added Help file. 1.1.0 Added option to insert own title. Minor changes to improve performance. 1.0.7 Fixed bug where URL would not be recognised if it was preceded by a TAB character. 1.0.6 Better handling of e-mail addresses. Minor bug fixes and some cosmetic changes. 1.0.5 First public release.